Изминаха 7 години, откакто танцьорът Атанас Месечков сключи брак със собственич ...
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My life
An exceptional and acclaimed athlete in Bulgaria, Atanas Mesetchkov is renowned for his achievements in the field of sports. He has displayed remarkable accomplishments, establishing himself as a highly talented individual. In addition, he serves as a director marketing and comunication the country's largest genetic laboratory.


Sports Аchievements
As an athlete, Atanas Mesetchkov has reached the top of numerous competitions and conquered significant championships. Whether it is individual or team sports, he has demonstrated a high level of skill, perseverance, and ambition.
Мarketing Аgency
Мarketing agency specialized in the field of social media. This agency is an expert in creating successful marketing strategies and campaigns targeted at clients' online presence on social networks.
Тelevision Host
Еxceptionally talented and well-informed television host specializing in health and medical publications. He is an expert in the field of health and medicine, taking on the responsibility of providing crucial information to viewers regarding their health inquiries.
Dancing Stars 2024
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Here you can follow
the entire participation
of Dr. Nedelya Stonova and
Atanas Mesechkov
ТV Host
Genica News
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Built using concrete textile blocks, the Sowden House has been recognized as one of Lloyd Wright’s most important works.

Basheva Anelia

Deshanova Desh

Bachvarov Ivan
Video maker
Meet Our Team
Built using concrete textile blocks, the Sowden House has been recognized as one of Lloyd Wright’s most important works.
Within each and every one of us lies immeasurable potential and possibilities. I want to remind you that you are strong, talented, and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. The opportunities in social media are limitless, and you have the power to harness them to your advantage.
Basheva Anelia
Pr and social media specialist
We live in an era where visual communication plays a crucial role. Video advertising and video content have become an inseparable part of our daily lives. They offer us not only exciting visual experiences but also a strong emotional connection with the audience.
Bachvarov Ivan
Video Maker
Recent News
Атанас Месечков падна за втори път на едно коляно пред съпругата си Кремена. „Преди 6г. ми каза „Да“, днес отново“
Преди да тръгне към олтара, облечена в изящна бяла рокля, всяка жена иска да ...
Наско Месечков разказа за най-любопитните моменти с жена му през лятото на 2022
Месечков издаде, че отново е предложил брак на любимата си Как танцьорът ...
Наско Месечков стана татко за втори път
В последно време ставаме свидетели на истинска звездна бейби вълна. Наскоро Кр ...
You and I
My life
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My Shop
Do you have a picture with me and want to share it with all my followers? Upload it on Facebook or Instagram using #i.n.s.t.a.m.e.s.s.i and it will appear in this section!

Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09.00 - 23.00 Sunday 09.00 - 16.00
Make An Appointment
(+359) 895 777 927 info@mesechkov.com
15 ZP, Sofia City, Bulgaria, EU
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Built using concrete textile blocks, the Sowden House has been recognized as one of Lloyd Wright’s most important works.

Atanas Mesechkov
Personal Website